You Don’t Have to Be Stuck

Oh, dear friend,

You don’t have to be stuck when it comes to your book. You really, really don’t.

Your book doesn’t have to live with the virtual dust bunnies on your laptop. It doesn’t have to be Rapunzel, hidden away under lock and key in your desk drawer.

It deserves to see the light. To breathe. To be loved by someone.

There is nothing more in this world I want than to pull a Blue Fairy and make your half-finished manuscript complete and whole and real. 

Please join us in One Line at a Time. And if that isn’t resonating with you, please hit reply, and let me find a way to help. Because I really want to see your beloved story in someone’s hands. 

Your words deserve to flow like a river until they flood the world with hope. Because I believe that’s what books do: they give hope. And I don’t think there is anything the world needs now more than hope. 

Love always,

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