Frequently Asked Questions
Great question. As you may have noticed from our editing application, there are three different “stages” of editing—and we support our clients with all three.
Developmental editing is how we make sure your book’s content is strong, makes sense, and engages the reader. This is the stage where we make you look smart. 😉 In a developmental edit, we’re reviewing your content and structure. For non-fiction writers, we are evaluating whether your argument is clear to your readers, whether your facts are correct, and whether your structure is logical. For fiction writers, we’re looking at the world you’re building and ensuring it’s consistent in its logic, evaluating your character development, and keeping our eyes peeled for any plot holes. Developmental editing provides you with the critical feedback you need to revise your book from bad first draft to fierce manuscript. You’ll receive your edits via the “Track Changes” feature in your Word Doc and a video explanation of the edits as well.
Copyediting has a different purpose: making sure your use of the written word is technically correct and clean. We’ll examine your diction, grammar, and look out for typos. You’ll receive feedback on things like your paragraph length, repeated words, or if you’re using a word properly. We may even include some sentence rewrites if we read one that doesn’t quite make sense. These edits are also delivered via “Track Changes” in your Word Doc.
Proofreading is the final step in your editing process; it is the step before you publish. When we proofread, we’re checking for typos, weird words, accidental replicated text, or anything that looks wrong. We’re also making sure nothing was missed in the copyedits. It’s kinda like checking the mirror after lunch to make sure there’s no lettuce in your teeth. 🙂
I highly recommend that every book goes through all three stages of the editing process. The right stage for you is the stage you haven’t done yet. 🙂
I get asked this all the time, and I’ve even tried this myself. Fun fact: my husband has still never read a single one of my books all the way through. And, if he DID, he’d probably be way nicer to me and/or give me terrible feedback because I didn’t write my book for HIM to enjoy. I wrote it for teenage girls to enjoy. I wouldn’t expect him to understand the nuances and struggles of female adolescence!
Finally, one of the biggest reasons not to rely on close family and friends for feedback is this: most people don’t have the time to thoughtfully read your book! When you hire a professional, you’re giving your book the dedicated time and attention it deserves.
Our specialty at The Bookish Fox is delivering pointed, concise, and kind feedback that will help you write your best book possible. We’re not here to tell you “great job,” we won’t take months and months to get back to you, or quit reading halfway through because we got busy.
Track Changes is a feature in Microsoft Word, the software we use for all of our editing work. The best way to understand how this feature works is to watch this video here.
We won’t edit in Google Docs, but you are welcome to deliver your work to us as a Google Document if you don’t have Microsoft Word. We can upload our edits to Google Document after our work is complete—and the Track Changes will integrate right into Google for you! #magic
Voxer is an awesome walkie-talkie app that I use with all of my private coaching clients. It allows us to send voice messages back and forth, just like a walkie talkie! You can check it out and download the app here.
Yes, if we’re working on your developmental edits, you’ll receive a video recording that explains the feedback. After you review your edits, we can also speak on the phone—it’s important that you understand your edits so you can tackle your rewrite head-on.
At The Bookish Fox, we believe that all writing is rewriting (and everyone’s a good rewriter!). That’s why I’m here (along with my team of editors) to help you become the best writer possible. Our support, feedback, and editing will help you realize your true writing potential. And, let’s be honest, we’ve all written a bad first draft before (or a hundred!). The best way to become a great writer is to start writing and keep writing!
If you’re doing The Bestseller coaching package, you receive a BONUS developmental edit if you finish before your 6 months are up! So, if you finish, first I’ll give you a big high five. Then, I’ll get to work on your developmental edit. Once you receive those edits, you can continue to receive coaching as you work through your rewrite. Major win-win!
This depends on the type of book you’re writing, but I typically recommend 2 months.
Well, for one thing, a vanity press is someone you are paying to PUBLISH your book—not to help you write your best book possible. Also, many vanity presses will own your copyright after they publish your book. This basically means, you’re paying THEM to publish and OWN your book—before you make a single dime. When you work with us, you’ll be supported to write your best possible book, and then you can decide on your publishing strategy. Most importantly, you will keep your copyright.
Due to the nature of our work, we do not offer any refunds. Fun fact: Since we have had a 99% happiness rate with our clients, no one has ever asked for one!
Unfortunately, no. We’re a solid team of smart, perfectionistic copy editors, but because we’re still human, we cannot guarantee 100% perfection. What we can offer is the same level of quality the best publishing houses provide, which is about 95% perfect.
No, or at least I hope not! When I deliver developmental edits, I’m going to level with you. I’m polite, personable, fun, but I’m also straightforward. That means: I’m NOT gonna lie to you and tell you that you’ve written the next War and Peace when your novel has major plot holes. I’ll be straightforward. After all, that’s what you’re hiring me for. As a coach, I’m encouraging and kind, but I will push you to get the writing done. If you don’t need the push, you shouldn’t hire a coach and editor! Plus, I like to keep things light and fun because writing is hard enough. Expect things like GIFs, YouTube videos, and other laugh-inducing links when you work with me.
First of all, Oprah doesn’t really have a show anymore (outside of Super Soul Sundays), so I can’t. Secondly, no. My role is helping you get that book (currently stationed in your head and your heart) out and onto paper. In order to get yourself booked on television shows and in the media, you’re going to need a publicist. But step one? Write the book.
Books are an incredible way to introduce new potential clients to you, share your story and expertise, and develop trust. You’ll raise your credibility, take on the title of “author,” and be positioned to get more media features and speaking engagements (if that’s what you want). You can also use your book as a lead magnet, if you’re into that sort of thing!
You’re in the right place, friend. Everyone here is a big fiction fan. When I’m not coaching and editing, you can find me writing my own Young Adult novels. The best thing about having coaching and editing support as a fiction writer is that it will force you to actually write. That’s the best benefit of getting an MFA in creative writing, except that hiring us is much cheaper than an MFA. If writing your novel is your dream, my advice is invest in your dream.