50 Truths About Writing

Last week, I gave you 50 writing dares. In the spirit of Truth or Dare, I am going to give you 50 truths about writing this week.1. Writing is hard. 2. Writing is really, really hard.3. Writing is really, really, really hard.4. You are going to hate your first draft. That's okay. 5. You are going to…

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50 Writing Dares

I don't know about you, but I am more likely to do something if I am dared to do it. Just like the kid with the weird hat in The Christmas Story, I would probably stick my tongue on a frozen pole if I were dared to do it (especially if it were a triple-dog…

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5 Writing Lessons from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been around for twenty years! Sadly, I just got into the show last year, so I am still on season 6 (no spoilers, please!), but I have learned some powerful writing lessons from this amazing show. No, they are not just that Spike is the best (even though he is).…

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