My Not-So-Secret Ambition

The ambition that I have had my whole life is to become a writer. I can even remember the day that it happened to me. I was sitting in my third grade class, writing a short story based on the book My Father’s DragonI distinctly remember thinking: “This is awesome! I wish I could do this when I grow up.”
Then it hit me.

I could.

Fast forward twenty years, and I am not exactly writing short stories for a living (sadly, economics did not happen until high school). It turns out authors make less than a dollar per book. Yes, that’s right. If a writer goes the traditional publishing route, the royalties are very tiny. If I were to anthropomorphize them, I would call them Thumbelina.

Okay. So it will probably never be my day job. But that doesn’t mean I am going to give up on my dream.

So far I have written four complete manuscripts, and I think it is time for my fifth. This time I am going to be brave and, you know, actually try to send it out for publication. In order to hold me accountable and maybe provide inspiration/tips for you, I will start recording my journey in this blog.

Wish me luck!

Your turn: Are you working on any writing projects? Do you record your progress?


10359315_10152477952554273_881474850_oI am helping my friend, Jenipher, run a blog party for her book How Being Stubborn, Depressed, and Unpopular SAVED my Life. This post is for the fifth week’s topic: Ambition. Learn more — and join us! – by clicking here.


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