My NaNoWriMo Story

As you all know, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is fast approaching. I will always have a special place in my heart for NaNoWriMo, because I wrote my first novel during NaNoWriMo. Let me set the scene. It was 2000. The Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears were dominating the airwaves. I was wearing Bonne Bell's Lip Smackers, and…

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In Defense of NaNoWriMo

Before I turn into Lancelot and joust to defend my beloved's honor, let me explain who the love of my (writing) life is: NaNoWriMo (which stands for National Novel Writing Month).  NaNoWrimo happens during the month of November, and everyone who participates writes a 50,000 word novel (at least). What is so controversial about that? A lot.…

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My Writing Love Triangle

So I have a new idea for a book. Or maybe a series of books. I am not sure if it should be one of those books with several storylines (i.e. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) or four books with related characters (i.e. Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, and…

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Five TV Shows That Will Make You A Better Writer

TV gets a bad rap. Parents say it will rot your brain, and Ray Bradbury depicts it as causing a nuclear holocaust. But I say it can improve your writing. Okay, not ALL TV improves you writing, but the good shows do. I have listed five shows that will get you that much closer to becoming…

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These Are My Confessions (Like Usher and Augustine)

I have a confession to make: writing is hard. Especially when you know your novel is going to be published. I am currently writing the first young adult novel that I plan on publishing (I have four manuscripts lying in a drawer). I am not going to lie to you: the struggle is real. It is…

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4 Resources to Develop Characters

Do you need help developing your characters? Do they feel flat and one-dimensional? Sometimes reading about various personality types will give you ideas on more characteristics and complexities for your characters. Zodiac Signs Chinese Zodiac Signs Blood Type Personalities Myers-Briggs Personality Types Let me know which resource works best for you!

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A List of Rewards to Motivate You to Write

I often need a "reward" to motivate me to write.  I wrote all four of my completed manuscripts by promising myself a treat after finishing a chapter, writing 1,000 words, etc. Here are some ideas to get you typing: Purchase a new journal Buy new fountain pens Download a new book Throw a dance party…

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3 Quick Revision Tips

Here are three quick revision tips: 1) Read your writing out loud By reading your work out loud, you can tell if the writing flows and sounds natural. 2) Read your writing backwards By reading your writing backwards, you can better catch missing words, typos, and grammatical errors. It sounds strange, but it works! 3)…

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