What to Write When You Are Stuck

You don't have to work on your writing project every day. Yes, really. Does this mean you shouldn't write every day?Heck no!I really believe there is a benefit to not writing when you are stuck. Sure, if you just rather watch  Famous in Love than write, then you should write. But if you keep staring at your…

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6 Surprising Ways to Kickstart Your Writing

I know if you are staring at a blank page, it is tempting to do what is what appears to be the obvious solutions: reading writing articles, checking out writing blogs, and surfing the internet while you avoid the blank page. While these may seem like good ideas (okay, the last one doesn't), they ultimately…

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I Am on Chasing Creative Podcast!

I had the privilege of chatting with Ashley Brooks and Abbigal Kriebs on their podcast, Chasing Creative. We talked about how I knew when to take my business full-time, how I juggle my business and my creative writing, how to create time for writing, and some of my favorite books! Check out the episode here. 

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How Being a Bookworm Makes You a Better Writer

You have probably heard it a million times: reading makes you a better writer. But you might be wondering how.Well, it doesn't happen just by reading. That would be like mindlessly watching Dancing With the Stars and expect to dance the tango like a pro. To improve your writing, you have to ask yourself questions…

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50 Truths About Writing

Last week, I gave you 50 writing dares. In the spirit of Truth or Dare, I am going to give you 50 truths about writing this week.1. Writing is hard. 2. Writing is really, really hard.3. Writing is really, really, really hard.4. You are going to hate your first draft. That's okay. 5. You are going to…

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