It is what made the football players sweat and nervously clear their throats when they sat in the university writing center with me. It is what makes my clients cringe and wring their hands. Hell, it even makes my palms sweat thinking about it.
You probably can guess what I am talking about.
When you first started your novel journey, you probably thought your greatest struggle would be reaching “The End.” However, once you finish your book and open the file to edit it, you freeze faster than an old operating system.
You don’t know where to begin. You see all the areas that you want to fix, but you don’t know how. You are daunted by the enormity of the task. So you shut your file, and your book gathers more (virtual) dust than that old Mandy Moore CD you have.
To quote Kid President, “Not cool, Robert Frost.” The world needs to read your book. People need to escape through your story or hear your message. You need to revise it for them.
As I established last week, revision isn’t a step you can skip, even if you hire an editor. Yet you don’t know where to begin. What is the solution?
Fortunately, my friend, Jennifer Blanchard, and I have your back. We have created a workshop that will help you revise your manuscript so that it is ready for an editor. To end your revising nightmares, go here.
Note: we start next week, so you should hustle over there now before it disappears.