Where in the World Where You Can Find Me

As attractive as my little writing den is, I don’t spend all my time writing for the Bookish Fox. I also love to travel around the Internet and write for my friends! Unlike Carmen Sandiego or Waldo, I am happy to share where else in the world (or Internet) I am. Here are some of the highlights of where I have visited (it is by no means exhaustive).

I write regularly about books and pop culture here. Want to know how Hemingway would write book summaries? Need to know which Shakespeare plays would make great teen films? You can find out by checking out my articles there. I am a regular contributor, so check it out periodically if you want to read more whimsical articles on books and pop culture.

I also write regularly here. I write more straight book reviews (with my own style, of course), so if you want to read my thoughts on Persuasion or Ready Player One, this is the place to go. The editor is on the lookout for good writers, so if you want to join the book club, definitely check out the site.

I wrote a post for a fabulous author, Icy Swedgwick. I describe what to look for when hiring an editor, so if you are shopping for an editor, check out my article. (If you are looking for an editor, I am going to take a second to plug myself.)

Want your writing to have more personality than one of Cher’s dresses? Well, I tell you how in my guest post for Sage.

Michelle Ward interviewed me on how I made writing/editing my full-time job. This is kind of the VH1 Behind the Music of my business. 

Want to know where and when I will be guest posting in the future. Follow me on Twitter or Facebook to find out!

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